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“Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals.”

***Swami Vivekananda


Evidently above quote says - the structural shift from employment perspective in the Indian economy is now getting itself aligned to the global structure, and hence it demands more productivity, efficiency and sophistication out of the employed resources. India, with its large workforce and an increasing pool of graduates, is strategically positioned to reap the benefits of this shift. However, the demographic dividend would be squandered unless India is able to create globally relevant and competitive higher education system. At the same time, the fundamental education has its utmost importance in today’s context of skill and knowledge acquisition and delivery. Education Institutes are driving the knowledge delivery at their best w.r.t. the comparative peers. However, the expectations by the market are way high and surely are comparative to the global needs. Like until best of the industrial practices are not being adopted efficiency cannot be brought up to the competitive level, and until the best of the human resources are delivered productivity cannot be increased. Thus, in the quest for the best human resources, industries though it needs may not sacrifice on the quality. Hence, it is very much expected that the institutes put their utmost efforts in enhancing the quality of the education, they impart – assisting the graduates in paving their ways towards the world of professionals. Evidently keeping in mind above, we approached more than 20 engineering colleges in and around Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Anand, in Gujarat. Somehow we could not convince them of the importance of essence of engineering. Such attempts did not deter us from sharing knowledge via our blog posts.


Above is the fundamentals of our (failed) attempts towards empowering employment perspectives to the graduating engineering students.


In parallel, my experience in the field of Shipbuilding, Renewable Energy, Hydro-Power Projects, and Smart Grid across domains of Production Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Business Analyst, Financial and Regulatory Analyst, Project Management and Product Management - pushed me to pursue my silent passion of business management consultancy. Working with a Start-up is something best happened to my being in Ahmedabad. Thus, currently in sync with fellow associates, I serve clients in the MSMEs in strengthening their growth drivers. Learning the nuances of small businesses and the hunger to scale at start-ups - push me further to work with such people. Currently, my expertise is enabling sales, marketing, operations, product and resource management aspects to the minds I am engaged with.


I am keen to get associated with some early stage start-ups and become a growth enabler to them.  


I can be reached over tapan@ngej.intly